The Massachusetts Coalition of Taft-Hartley Trust Funds, Inc.


State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) is a global leader in providing investment management services to clients worldwide.

We have been providing investment management services for more than three decades and manage a broad range of investment strategies.  

Strategies are managed across all asset classes including equity, fixed income, currency, real estate and absolute return and across the risk spectrum 

including indexed, enhanced, and active.  Proudly managing strategies for Taft-Hartley clients since 1978, SSgA’s dedicated Taft-Hartley team focuses solely 

on servicing and building relationships with labor unions and their trustees. SSgA currently manages $44 billion for 206 Taft-Hartley clients (as of 12/31/20).


Patrick Hearne

Vice President

State Street Global Advisors

One Iron Street, Boston, MA 02110

 Tel: 617-664-6823