Founded in 1855, Salem Five is a full-Service financial service company Located in Massachusetts. With $7.29 billion in assets and capital ratios that
well exceed the requirements, Salem Five is the largest mutual bank in Massachusetts. Lisa Dunlea serves as the Senior Vice President for Salem Five Institutional
Banking division. Judy Kenney-Downey service as Vice President for Salem Five Institutional Banking division. With over 35 years of experience, we focus on the
unique financial needs of the Taft-Hartley, Union, non-profit and Government Banking market segments. We are responsible for new client acquisition as well as
strengthening the relationships with existing customers. We take a solution-based approach with her clients and focuses on their organization’s goals and objectives.
We enjoy getting to know each and every client and works hard to over-deliver our clients expectations.
Lisa Dunlea
SVP Institutional Banking/Salem Five
tel. 978.720.5165 |cell. 617-455-5859
Judith Kenney-Downey
VP Institutional Banking
tel. 978.720.5001 |cell. 617-750-5190