We are a local firm which provides a broad range of personalized accounting and audit services to a specialized industry of employee benefit plans, labor unions, member organizations and other nonprofit organizations. We have been very fortunate to service this specialized industry for the past 30 years. Our professionals have a broad range of experience in the area of auditing for these industry specific organizations as well as experience from a regulatory and enforcement viewpoint. All of our professionals are continuously trained in this specialized industry. Our mission is to assist our clients to accomplish their goals by providing the highest quality accounting, audit, tax and related professional services. We understand that immediate responsiveness and personal attention to every client is critical to our shared success and we believe that being a local firm allows us to provide exceptional, industry specific outstanding service promptly.
Jeannie Mickel, CPA
Managing Partner
855 Turnpike Street
North Andover MA 01845
978-975-1099 Telephone